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Cataloxy Orlando...Companies in OrlandoConvention Services & FacilitiesCzarnowski Display Service

Czarnowski Exhibit Service, Orlando


Established in 1947, Czarnowski is an entrepreneurial company that serves customers through more than 10 office locations in the United States and strategic partnerships around the world. The company handles over 10, 000 projects annually. It provides a variety of exhibition services that includes design, fabrication, and account and program management. The company maintains several wholly owned and operated warehouse facilities to store goods and materials. In addition, Czarnowski arranges equipment and products on a rental basis. It assists in conferences, road shows, meetings and product launch events. The company serves the automotive, technology and health care industries. Czarnowski s clients include Knoll and TurboChef Technologies.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Czarnowski Exhibit Service in Orlando you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1947

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 Address: Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 108 32829, (Near Loci Park)
10850, Orlando, Florida
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat Closed, Sun Closed

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